Some links to media in English, starting with the NL Times.
Walkability Map
Here is an interactive map that displays the 'walkability' of city streets. Translation Walkability algemeen = General Walkability. Slecht = hard Uitstekend = easy
Weather and Radar
Radar from Accuweather
Amsterdam's weather forecast provided by the BBC. Radar from Accuweather.
More Dutch Phrases
More Dutch phrases spoken by people being stopped on the street.
Overtourism? I amsterdam
Dutch War on Tourists
Amsterdam feels a victim of "overtourism". The "I amsterdam" sign is no longer in front of the crowded Rijksmusem. It is going to be travelling the city to less crowded areas. As of 2020 guided tours of the red light district will be banned.
Tourist Discount Cards
A review of the top discount cards.
Dutch Phrases
Basic Dutch phrases with pronunciation.
Assorted City Maps
Non-residential Functions
Here is a set of assorted maps from the city of Amsterdam. The first is called "Whats in a Streetname".
Public Transportation
Public Trans Tickets in Amsterdam
Insiders guide to Public Transport in Amsterdam and The Netherlands.